Hospital Compare

用于评估澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场为患者提供的护理质量和安全性的信息是我们认为可以提供给您的最重要的信息, our customers and neighbors. 有许多质量指标可以用来评估和比较医院. The best, 有关澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场质量和安全的公正信息来源可在 Hospital Compare-一个由卫生与公众服务部主办的联邦网站. Information on this website is updated every 3 months.


  • General Hospital Information
  • 患者体验调查(患者满意度调查结果)
  • Timely and effective care
  • Complications
  • Readmissions and death rates
  • Effective Use of Medical Imaging
  • Value of Care provided


Patient satisfaction is vital to our success and is measured in many ways at Hillsdale Hospital. We evaluate our hospital quality in five primary ways; information about each of them is below.

澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场为住院和门诊访客分发评论卡,并收到超过5张,000 responses each year. 这些卡片为我们提供了网上澳门永利博彩官网病人对澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场服务的满意程度的即时反馈. These cards are reviewed daily (yes, daily) and if problems or concerns are brought to light, 他们被提交给适当的部门立即采取行动. 这些卡片向我们展示了我们给你们——我们的顾客——留下的“第一印象”. In today’s health care market, patients often have choices of where they will go; we want to make sure that if you choose us, you will feel that you made the right choice.

Hillsdale Hospital works closely with a third party vendor, Healthstream Research, 调查在我们医院接受住院服务的病人. Approximately 4 weeks after patients go home, Healthstream打电话给一组患者,要求对我们的患者进行标准化的患者调查(由CMS规定),以评估他们在住院期间的许多方面的满意度. The Survey contains 9 key domains of the patients stay:

  • Communication with doctors
  • Communication with nurses
  • Responsiveness of hospital staff
  • Pain management
  • Communication about medicines
  • Discharge information
  • Cleanliness
  • Quietness
  • Transition of care


View the latest summary report card

The litmus test for any hospital can and should be; did you get better? 医疗补助和医疗保险服务中心通过入院病人的死亡率是否低于美国的医疗标准来确定一家医院是否做得很好.S. National Rate, about the same as the U.S. National Rate, or higher than the U.S. 考虑到他们入院时病情的严重程度.

此信息适用于美国所有为医疗补助或医疗保险患者提供服务的医院. Hillsdale Hospital is the same as, 或者比全国报告的诊断率要高,并且比我们许多地区的竞争对手有更好的护理结果, large or small.

See outcomes of care comparisons at Hospital Compare.

核心指标用于跟踪各种以证据为基础和经过大量研究的护理标准,这些标准已被证明可以改善患者的临床结果. 我们的核心护理措施衡量了我们对心脏病发作的服务质量, heart failure, 社区获得性肺炎及外科护理感染预防. 遵守这些措施是我们努力确保澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场根据科学证据提供正确和/或推荐的护理的一部分.

核心措施提供了您作为患者到达医院时应该接受的护理信息, while you are here and instructions for your care after discharge. 改善这些方面的护理意味着你更有可能拥有更好的健康结果.

Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), commonly known as a heart attack, happens when the blood supply to part of the heart is cut off, causing some of the heart cells to die. AMI通常是由于斑块从动脉壁上脱落,导致冠状动脉阻塞. 如果不治疗,AMI会导致心肌组织损伤和/或死亡.

有关心脏病发作以及体征和症状的更多信息,请访问 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

Heart Failure 是由于心脏的结构或功能出现问题,导致它不能泵出足够的血液来满足身体的所有需要吗. Heart failure is not 和心脏病发作一样,但它可能是心脏病发作的结果.

For more information about heart failure, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

Community Acquired Pneumonia is an inflammatory disease of the lungs. It is caused mainly by viruses, bacteria or a combination of both, but can also be caused by inhaling food, liquid, gases or dust and by fungi. Certain diseases, such as tuberculosis, can also cause pneumonia. Pneumonia is a common illness which occurs in all age groups, 它是老年人、慢性病和绝症患者死亡的主要原因. 有疫苗可以预防某些类型的肺炎. Typical symptoms associated with pneumonia include cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty breathing.

有关肺炎的快速知识,包括疫苗接种信息,请访问 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

有关肺炎的更多资讯,包括预防及接种贴士,请浏览 American Lung Association website.

In 2016, Hillsdale Hospital implemented a Patient and Family Advisory Council. 这个由患者和护理人员组成的代表性小组将每两个月与医院工作人员会面一次,以帮助改善澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场的临床表现和患者安全问题. 咨询委员会的目标是协助有关出院令等事项的决策过程, visiting hours, how nurses and physicians communicate with patients, and a myriad of additional issues.

In addition, the council will provide an opportunity to:

  • Promote an improved relationship between patients, families, and hospital staff through improved communication.
  • 为患者和家属提供一个场所,为政策和项目的发展提供意见.
  • 让病人和家属有机会检讨工作人员或行政当局向委员会提交的建议.
  • 为患者和家属提供了积极参与新设施和项目开发的机会.
  • Actively helps implement changes at Hillsdale Hospital.
  • Collaborates as partners with staff, physicians, 以及管理具体项目的规划和运作.
  • 为员工提供倾听病人和家属的机会.

Minutes will be posted on our patient and family advisory council web page. If you don’t find them here, please contact us and we will provide the latest copy to you.